
December 13, 2023

In 2021, Criterion Institute and Tiedemann Advisors published an extensive report on strategies for private investors to address gender-based violence (GBV). The ESG-integrated approach is for investors in public equities and fixed income who are integrating ESG considerations to help identify risks and opportunities that would impact the financial return of the investment. The impacts of violence reverberate to the private sector, which bears reduced productivity from staff impacted by violence and reputational risk when violence is perpetrated within companies’ spheres of influence.

Currently, there are scarce public equity and fixed income fund managers that incorporate an evaluation of the risks that GBV poses to the companies in which they invest. There are several reasons for this:

1) investors do not understand the extent to which GBV is an issue within companies they own nor recognize the materiality of the risk it represents; 2) investors do not understand how the presence of GBV within a company or experienced by employees outside of work impacts the performance
of that company; and 3) GBV remains a topic that is under-reported and generally considered taboo.Below we suggest ways in which incorporating a GBV lens to public equity and fixed income investments can mitigate risk and improve the performance of a portfolio.

To read more, download the report...

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