Building upon due diligence processes that are standard worldwide, these tools support investors in understanding the risks gender-based violence poses to their investments and how they can address the issue. The guides analyze existing due diligence categories – including political, regulatory, operational, and reputational risks – and show how these can be affected by gender-based violence.  Recognizing that gender-based violence is an issue that affects all regions globally, Criterion works with our partners to produce versions of the tool that can be used in specific geographic or sectoral contexts. Dozens of gender and gender-based violence experts as well as financial professionals played a role in shaping the tools.

Covid-19 Diligence Tool UNICEF-Criterion

August 6, 2020

Criterion Institute, in partnership with UNICEF, created a guide for investors to understand the risk their investments are exposed to as a result of gender-based violence, and to incorporate that risk assessment into their existing due diligence process.

Gender Lens Investing
Donor Agencies
ALL Organizations
ALL Investors
Gender Inequity as a Systemic Risk
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Gender-based Violence Due Diligence Tool

June 1, 2020

Criterion Institute, in partnership with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, created a guide for investors in the Pacific region to understand the risk their investments are exposed to as a result of gender-based violence, and to incorporate that risk assessment into their existing due diligence process.

ALL Governments
ALL Investors
Due Diligence Guides
Type of Material
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Mitigating the Risks of Gender-Based Violence: A Due Diligence Guide for Australian Investors

October 26, 2020

Criterion Institute has created a guide for Australia-based investors to understand the risk their investments are exposed to as a result of gender-based violence, and to incorporate that risk assessment into their existing due diligence process.

Gender Lens Investing-1
ALL Investors-1
Gender Inequity as a Systemic Risk-2
Move from counting women to valuing gender patterns-2
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