To help structure the use of a Gender Lens in investing, we identified three distinct, but interconnected, Gender Lenses that are particularly relevant to the investing community.
This is a refrain we hear constantly when we talk to people in finance about gender. Discussing whether or not something is “material” is a short-handed insult meant to dismiss and undermine.
Jakarta, Indonesia, 2 February 2018 – Over 70 investors, business and finance leaders, and gender experts from Southeast Asia came together at the Australian Embassy for two days
Criterion President and Founder Joy Anderson broke down the TOOLKIT boxes, demystifying financial markets while empowering this group of mostly younger women
When I was called to Amazing Grace 8 years ago, I had no idea how idea how this small urban congregation would be used by God to do such big things
USAID's Patty Alleman, and our very own Joy Anderson co-authored a serious of blogs documenting their travels in Asia as they sought to map the landscape
Challenges Canada Webinar on Gender Equality
Criterion Institute’s Joy Anderson, Pacific RISE impact investing lead
Pacific RISE will use gender lens investing to incorporate gender into financial analysis
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