We have worked with many amazing fund managers in Africa and have seen them adopt practices that are fundamentally about shifting power. This article – the first in a series showcasing advanced investment practices on the Continent - illustrates three of these practices and highlights the investment leaders who are already implementing them (and how). We also suggest how asset owners can ask for these practices from their own fund managers.
This document outlines language and terminology that is commonly used to frame conversations about gender lens investing.
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On June 24 2024, Joy Anderson, Founder and President of Criterion Institute, was recognized with the prestigious Joan Bavaria Award alongside Suzanne Biegel and Jackie VanderBrug for their groundbreaking contributions to gender lens investing.
As GBV can proliferate in complex emergencies, it can also exacerbate the risk of humanitarian conflict or crisis, disrupting states’ stability and economies writ large. This then threatens the stability of financial markets and financial forecasting.
Over the past three years, with support from the government of Canada, Criterion has been able to formalize a system of standards of practice.
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In 2012, Criterion Institute launched the Leaders Shaping Markets initiative to build and support leaders who work on changing the rules of market systems.
In the fall of 2017, the Siebert Lutheran Foundation of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, invited Criterion Institute to consider the possibility of focusing its many resources for using finance for social change on a specific place, the greater Milwaukee area, and to do so in collaboration with local Lutheran congregations and leaders and other ecumenical partners.
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