
June 11, 2012

In March of 2012, the Calvert Foundation launched its first gender lens investing offerring through the Women Investing in Women Initiative (WIN-WIN). WIN-WIN enables individuals and institutions to invest in organizations and products that create opportunities for women and girls around the world – with minimum investments starting at $20. The goal is to move $20M.

In the video below, Calvert Foundation's Director of Strategic Initiatives, Margot Kane, discusses the importance of Gender Lens Investing in advancing the economic empowerment of women and girls as well as our society as a whole. Margot explains some of the elements that need to develop further before gender lens investing becomes mainstream and the societal and market shifts that need to take place in order for gender lens investing, and impact investing in general, to reach their potential.

Her core point: It will take an ecosystem. Gender Lens Investing becomes a flourishing and sustainable field when the right infrastructure is in place around it.

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