These deeply-researched roadmaps articulate in-depth strategies for how asset owners, asset managers, and nonprofit organizations can mobilize capital towards GBV. Investors and funders can partner with Criterion to amplify these strategies via events, tools, and communications to move actors from intent to action.
Criterion’s work is about expanding what investors, governments, and civil society organizations see as possible for using finance to create transformative social change. Explore our resources based on the specific types of audiences they were intended to support.
This re-cap of the gender lens investing field-building event hosted in February by Investing in Women partners was contributed by ANGIN (Angel Investment Network Indonesia).
More than two years ago, The Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) in Ruxton, Maryland, launched its Micro-Lending Program. To date they have made 11 loans totaling $34,750. How did they do it?
Pacific RISE is using an investment thesis to engage with investors and broaden the sense of possibilities about what types of opportunities exist in the Pacific.
The State of the Field of Gender Lens Investing in Asia was published in September 2015. This report is a summary of a year-long collaboration between USAID’s Patty Alleman and Criterion’s Joy Anderson, during which they engaged 200 leaders working on gender lens investing in Asia.
Criterion Institute’s President, Joy Anderson, and Katherine Miles authored the State of the Field of Gender Lens Investing report documenting a comprehensive history of the field and strategies for the road ahead.
This is a guide for organizations and individuals actively seeking to create gender equitable social change. In particular, it equips women’s funds to design strategies that use systems of finance and investments as tools to create the social change they seek.
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