Given the multitude of types of gender-based violence, financing the reduction of gender-based violence is a complex endeavor that requires capital to be directed into multiple geographies. One geography is not privileged over another, because all geographies have different level(s) of exposure to different type(s) of gender-based violence. Collectively, geographies are encouraged to be transparent about the level(s) of exposure to different type(s) of gender-based violence that are facilitated by unique market conditions so that appropriate types of resources can be directed towards solving for these cause(s).
The roadmaps linked to this landing webpage showcase how to finance the reduction of gender-based violence from a primary perspective.


Impact investors who want to promote women’s economic empowerment must address gender-based violence as part of their strategies, given how high rates of violence are in Kenya. Impact investors have the power to address both violence and broader economic empowerment by incorporating a gender-based violence lens in screening, structuring, and analyzing investments. The coordination of their efforts will enable finance to reduce gender-based violence in Kenya.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Kenya Through Targeted Investments

Empowering impact investors to structure targeted gender-based violence informed investments and encouraging the coordination of their efforts to reduce gender-based violence in Kenya.

Audience: Private investors

Geography: Kenya

Type of capital: Private equities and private debt

Investment methodologies: Due diligence and process metrics

Resources: Criterion Institute’s Process Metrices That Analyze Power Dynamics in Investing
Criterion Institute’s Mitigating the Risks of Gender-Based Violence: A Due Diligence Guide for Investing

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The State of Victoria has prioritized ending family violence. It can more rapidly achieve its policy objectives and create economic opportunity by leveraging systems of finance as part of its approach.

Valuing the State of Victoria’s (Australia) Plan to End Family Violence Impact on Investment Opportunities

Leveraging finance to increase the political will of the Victorian government to achieve its policy goal of ending family violence by 2027.

Audience: Government agencies and private investors

Geography: Victoria

Type of violence: Family violence

Investment approach: Investment thesis

Resources: Criterion Institute’s Mitigating the Risks of Gender-Based Violence: A Due Diligence Guide for Australian Investors

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